Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Head First into Java: Chapter 1

In Beer Song Activity, we had to code "99 bottles of beer" song using if/else statement, variables and while loops. However when completing this task a problem presented itself; when there was one bottle left it would say "1 bottles of beer on the wall" and this is not proper grammar. Therefore, I created an if/else statement that tells the program if there is one bottle left then switch "bottles" to "bottle".

In this chapter I've learned many thing such as
  • Variables are declared with a name and a type 
  • white blank spaces don't matter
  • Classes and method are defined within curly braces
  • Functions such as String and System.out.print have to be captitalized
  • ln after System.out.print makes the result in a diffrent sentence 
In the phrase o matic activity uses list to create phrases. Instead I created a phrase that chooses what color shirt to where randomly. This activity has taught me to use the Math.random  function with the int function to make the value and interger.

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