Monday, December 8, 2014

Activity 1.3.6 Tuples and Lists

Activity 1.3.6 Tuples and Lists

1.       Consider a string, tuple, and list of characters.

In []: a = 'acbde'
In []: b = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
In []: c = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

2. The values of a[3], b[3], and c[3] are all the same. In what ways are a, b, and c different?

A is different from the other because A is a single string while B and C have multiple single strings. B and C are different because one is a tuples and the other is a list. Unlike tuples, lists are mutable: you can reassign the value of individual elements in a list.

3.   Why do computer programming languages almost always have a variety of variable types?

 Computer programming languages almost always have a variety of variable types because it makes the program more efficient for different situations.

4.Why can't everything be represented with an integer?

Everything can't be represented with an integer because not everything requires a integer to be used. For example, if you need to use letters or a string.

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