Mountain Climber
Jael Claudio, Brett Melons, Alex Winslow
Produced a game that would be appealing to the user. The game is simple, AVOID the rocks and you win but if you touch a rock then you lose.
- Reflect on the creative process you used. What was useful? Discuss your reflection with your partner and then write a reflection individually.
- First we brainstormed, to get all of our idea on paper. this was helpful because it allowed us to have many option when choosing a game to create
- Secondly we chose a game and wrote down things we wanted the game to do. this helped us to organize and know what the final result of the game should be
- Lastly we assigned thing for each of the member to work on to complete the task at hand. this was useful because everyone knew what they had to do to complete the game
- Reflect on the team dynamic. What helped the team work well together? Discuss your reflection with your partner and then write a reflection individually.
- The major thing that helped the team work together was setting up team norms. This was so beneficial it provided guidelines and rules that each member agreed to, to get the game done effectively.
- Another thing that helped our team be successful was giving each person assigned roles. This was helpful because it gave each person a task in the project to complete and be held accountable
- what went well?
- Working as a group
- transferring our work onto one file
- Implementing the music
- Finding and implementing the backgrounds
- what did you struggle with?
- Movement of the rocks
- stopping movement of rock when you "lose" as well as "win"
- Making the movements of the rocks random
- given more time how could you improve your game?
- Add more levels
- Have the music speed correspond with the rock's speed
- Have restrictions on movement of the climber in the X axis
- Have weapons to destroy rocks
- Have multiple life's
- Link
Great Job Jael! I hope you found the project to be of value.