Friday, October 17, 2014

Blown to Bits

Questions for Blown to Bits:

1. State how many bits were created and stored in 2007.

2. Predict what would happen if technology continued to advance at the rate it has been.
      If technology continued to advance at the rate it has been, the possibilities would be endless. There would be many things to look forward to, transportation would be revolutionized including how we travel and fuel sources we use would be more or fully Eco-friendly. Technology would also have a huge effect on health, life expectancy would increase, cures could be found, physical deformities could be fixed. However would effect societies behavior and values,. Everything would be faster, and so complex, everything would change

3. Determine 2 causes as to why technology has advanced so rapidly
 Two causes that has advanced technology so rapidly is Electricity and science. Electricity has affected technology so much because that is was technology need, everything needs a source of power. The other cause; Science because it explain  the world with can allow us to apply this using technology. 

4. Elaborate on how technology has bettered and worsened society.
    Technology has been used for good by making everything more efficient. Such as being  able to communicate with someone miles away, keeping in touch with friends or family, revolutionizing entertainment whether it be watching TV or playing video games. However with that same technology used bad have things have come from it. One negative that has come from technology is it has made possible for people to hide behind their computers. People misrepresent themselves online and trick younger older or people their same age. As well as misrepresenting themselves, another problem that technology has given society is it has affected the way we communicate because society is so used to talking thorough text and has created more social awkwardness. 

5.  “Computing will transform society.”

I agree with this statement because it has already happen. Society has change so much in everything we do. Earlier generation compare how they live with our generation and is so different. they are our eveidence

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blown to Bits

Big Idea:
Our society is relying on the digital world more and more, which has positive and negative effects.
1.       Describe how Tanya’s cell phone saved her.
2.       Describe how bits behave; using metaphors.
3.       Analyze the statement, “The data will all be kept forever, unless there are polices to get rid of it”.  Discuss why this is put in place and a problem.

4.       Justify where the line between ethical and moral consequences stands and what should be done if crossed.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

1.1.7 Scratch Game

Mountain Climber 

Jael Claudio, Brett Melons, Alex Winslow

Produced a game that would be appealing to the user. The game is simple, AVOID the rocks and you win but if you touch a rock then you lose.

  •     Reflect on the creative process you used. What was useful? Discuss your reflection with your partner and then write a reflection individually.   
    • First we brainstormed, to get all of our idea on paper. this was helpful because it allowed us to have many option when choosing a game to create
    • Secondly we chose a game and wrote down things we wanted the game to do. this helped us to organize and know what the final result of the game should be
    • Lastly we assigned thing for each of the member to work on to complete the task at hand. this was useful because everyone knew what they had to do to complete the game
  •  Reflect on the team dynamic. What helped the team work well together? Discuss your reflection with your partner and then write a reflection individually.
    • The major thing that helped the team work together was setting up team norms. This was so beneficial it provided guidelines and rules that each member agreed to, to get the game done effectively.   
    • Another thing that helped our team be successful was giving each person assigned roles. This was helpful because it gave each person a task in the project to complete and be held accountable
  • what went well?
    • Working as a group 
    • transferring our work onto one file
    • Implementing the music
    • Finding and implementing the backgrounds
  • what did you struggle with?
    • Movement of the rocks
      • stopping movement of rock when you "lose" as well as "win"
      • Making the movements of the rocks random
  • given more time how could you improve your game?
    • Add more levels
    • Have the music speed correspond with the rock's speed
    • Have restrictions on movement of the climber in the X axis
    • Have weapons to destroy rocks
    • Have multiple life's 
  • Link